UNITY (Formerly Fleur de Vie Yoga)

MOYEN-DYNAMIQUE - Hatha/ Vinyasa - ENG / FR / W/ 60
avec Erin


4 novembre (lundi)
à 18h45 (GMT+01:00)

Durée du cours
60 minutes

A Distance

  • Are you happy ? Or does happiness come and go in moments or periods ?
  • Are you fulfilled ? Or are you putting up with your current situation, cause it’s “good enough for now”?
  • Are you who you’ve always aspired to be? Or have you lowered your expectations ?

Can we expect to achieve lasting happiness & fulfillment, if we have a limited understanding of the true nature of this experience ?

What is it that brings you the most happiness ? Can you close your eyes and meditate on that until it comes to your mind ? Can you guarantee that this will last for your lifetime ? What happens when you don’t have it anymore ? Will you find something else ? Are we destined to live such a roller coaster life of externalizing our happiness ?

What is truly the most valuable thing in our existence ? You know that it’s not money. No amount of money can cure an incurable illness. So is the most valuable thing “time” ? Does 1000 thousand years of suffering sound good ?  If it’s nothing material and it’s not temporal, what is left ? Is it happiness itself ? Is this a combination of joy & love ? Can you experience either if you are not at peace ?

Yoga was invented to answer these questions. It is an efficient journey of 8 levels of ethics, psychology, philosophy & metaphysics, bringing us to an ever deeper understanding of ourselves. Through yoga we come to understand that we are already love & joy, for these are our natural state. However, we need to dissolve the many layers of the ego, preventing us from experiencing the peace, that enable us to remember this.

Join me as we venture into the self, to unlock your full potential for happiness and fulfillment, for this is your birthright and what your soul wishes for you !

I very much look forward to accompanying you on this journey :-)





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